Why You Should Provide Financing for Customers

For many businesses that are looking to increase revenue,consumer financing can potentially be a good option. Although those with asmall business may think that they have fewer options for doing this than alarger company, the reality is that there can be many ways that a smallbusiness may use business to consumer finance to increase revenue.

How Does Customer Financing Work?

The primary goal of customer, or consumer, financing is toencourage someone who is just looking around to actually purchase something.Business to consumer finance works by allowing a customer who may not have themoney to make a purchase upfront to buy something with credit offered by thecompany, and then make smaller payments over time. Because a customer won’thave to pay the total balance at once, they may feel more encouraged to makemore purchases, or a larger purchase than they normally would, instead ofputting it off or waiting until they have the money saved.

Different Kinds of Programs 

When it comes to customer financing, there can be multipleoptions. One of these is a primary program. This kind of program is typicallyoffered to customers with average credit or above and may offer such things asa zero percent or low interest rate. The attractive interest rate can be appealingto many consumers, and these offers may pose less of a risk for a businessbecause they tend to only be offered to those with decent credit. However,because only those with average credit or above may be considered it couldlimit the amount of customers it can be offered to. Another common type ofprogram is a sub-prime program. This kind of program is usually offered tocustomers with lower or below average credit scores. This kind of program oftenentails a few more steps than a primary program, such as providing things likeproof of residence or income. Although it may be a somewhat more risky programfor a business, it tends to be more popular because a wider range of customerswill often be able to qualify.

The Takeaway

For a business that is looking to increase revenue, businessto consumer finance may be a good option. While some may think that this kindof financing is meant more for larger businesses, those with a small businessmay also use it to gain revenue.

Whether you depend more on primary programs, sub-primeprograms, or another type of program, using this kind of financing could provebeneficial for your small business.


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